This part of my website gets quite deep and slightly meaningful so it may be a little less jovial than the rest, if you are of a light disposition please click on another page, if however you are an intellectual genius, a well read, highly educated individual or your just a plain old everyday busybody then please read on to find out what goes on between my eyes, ears, eyebrows and eyelashes!
On a personal level although I have a very gregarious personality but for the most time I am a loner. I have many associates but only a handful of close friends and even fewer in my 'inner sphere'. Since childhood my curiosity and inquisitive nature have never ceased and in adulthood I continue to question and analyse. I’m on a perpetual quest for reason and motive and I will not
accept any convention or statement without my own thorough analysis. I have an insatiable
appetite for finding my own truth to everything around me. I often think that people have a
tendency to live by the rules of an unwritten ‘human manual’, a belief system grounded
in habit, a mode of conduct dictated by ‘the norm’ and brainwashing via media, society and
the rigors of life. I always question.
For instance, should I get married and have 2.4 kids just because that's what most others do? Do I really need to live in that post or zip code because someone has said its a desirable location? And do I really have to have a brand new overpriced car and go to 'that' holiday destination because everyone else is either buying one or going there? The well trodden path of predictability is not the one I choose to take and going against the grain enlightens my soul. I'm a modern day rebel without the guns and fanfare! If not born to be wild I was certainly born to be different, to be my own man, to have immense ambition and to carve out my own path.
I realised at an early age that a fulltime job, groundhog day over and over, repetition after repetition after repetition only in a gym for me please, isn't for me. I'm not afraid of hard work, in fact I’m a highly disciplined and motivated beast who will never ever, ever, ever, ever and I mean ever give up, maybe this is where my dedication to working out and my 'never say die' attitude kicks in! I have always had the perception that if I’m going to commit my time and extremely precious life to a cause, then it has to be for something that I have a great deal of passion and intensity for. My motto has always been to do something with your life that drives, thrills and excites you, something that you'd be willing to do for free. For me nothing has ever come close to acting. Film gives me an outlet to dream and escape the confines of reality as did those stories of my childhood. In those stories I could be whoever I wanted to be, do whatever I chose to do, anything was and is possible without limitation.
As adults so many people seem to lose themselves by way of patterns and conventions. So much of the laughter and the carefree attitude fades. The personality becomes diluted and imagination restricted. Individuality gets shrouded in corporate uniformity. The child gets lost. I consciously resist going with the crowd because I want to keep my inner child alive. Saying the latest 'buzz' words and dressing as my peers isn‘t for me. I refuse to be suppressed, dictated to or standardised’. I have never taken life very seriously and for me clowning and larking around is what life is about, even in a professional capacity I always like to inject humour and fun into the mix. Relaxing, enjoying yourself and living in the moment is what life is about for me whilst eating great food and appreciating the magnificent world we live in, life is way too short to live
it any other way. I'm persistently optimistic, driven and motivated, my glass is always full to the brim, in fact overflowing and usually with green tea, I'm addicted to the stuff! As far as we ’know’ we only get one life so live it, enjoy it, cherish it and have as much fun along the way as possible!